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    Мак-Карті, В.
    Балади та Біблія / В. Мак-Карті ; пер. з англ. А. Биконя // Народна творчість та етнологія. - 2012. - № 5. - С. 102-17. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - Зміст: Сюжети про війну ; Сюжети про війну ; Віршовані притчі ; Сюжети на прославу Господа ; Сюжети про Божественну любов ; Особисті сюжети
Рубрики: Народні балади--Біблійні мотиви та образи
   Біблійні мотиви та образи--Народні балади

Анотація: The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) attests to the rich oral tradition of the Hebrew people. It contains a book of traditional religious song in the Psalms, a book of Proverbs, a book of origin myths called Genesis, and even a book of heroic tales, Jubges. But it does not contain a bbok of ballads. It does, nevertheless, include two songs that seem to function as historscal ballads, the Song of Moses (Exodus 15) and the Song of Deborah (jubges 5). In each case the song or ballad seems to be one of the sources for the preceding prose narrative of events also covered in the song. The carlier books of the Bible, concerned (at least in part) with preserving histirical and legendary traditions, are full of tags of song used to amplify the narrative. The prophets also seem to have known a ballad tradition and to have drawn upon it in interesting ways. The poetry of the prophets contains images and especially rhetorical figures that echo the imagery and rhetoric of the Song of the Deborah in particular, suggesting that ballad diction was one of the resources drew upon in fashioning their utterances.

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