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Пошуковий запит: <.>S=Молодь -- Професійна мобільність -- Фактори впливу -- Україна<.>
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

    Yachna, Nataliia.
    Initial factors contributing to occupational mobility of Ukraine's youth [Text] / Nataliia Yachna // Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг. - 2017. - № 3. - P143-159. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.
Рубрики: Молодь--Професійна мобільність--Фактори впливу--Україна
Анотація: The paper deals with initial factors responsible for occupational mobility of Ukraine’s youth under free market conditions. The emphasis is put on the specificity of various institutional strategies and mechanisms for forming social and career orientations of young Ukrainians. Particular attention is also paid to possible impacts on moral and psychological atmosphere prevailing in the society, where young people are being trained to perform their jobs. Distinctive features of labour market in Ukraine, which are discussed in the given paper, result from political and economic changes occurring in the country. The following issues are also analysed: a) traditional occupations, forms and elements of organising labour in Ukraine; b) influence of films on the system of value orientations of young Ukrainians, including career choices made by them. Finally, the author identifies what values serve as reference points for Ukrainian school-leavers and what motivates them to choose their occupation.

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