Maksymenko, Ol'ha.
    The influence of home environment on the characteristics and level of development of environmental consciousness in students [Текст] / Ol'ha Maksymenko // Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг. - 2017. - № 3. - P135-142. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.
Рубрики: Студенти--Свідомість--Фактори формування
Анотація: The three basic types of environmental consciousness (anthropocentrie, biocentric, ecocentric) allowing for a person’s attitude towards nature and his/her activity in the natural environment have underlain a more detailed classification, which includes ten subtypes of environmental consciousness (EC). These subtypes are defined as follows: anthropocentric-contemplative, anthropocentric-pragmatic, anthropocentric-destruc- tive, anthropocentrie-preserving, biocentric-altruistic, biocentric-syncretic, biocentric- aggressive, ecocentric-rational, ecocentric-constructive and ecocentric-oppositional. The author underscores the necessity of forming an ecocentric type of EC among the younger generation since it is the first step to overcoming global environmental crisis and ensuring sustainable development of the society. Family education is thought to play an important role in the development of a person’s environmental consciousness as a whole and its related components as well (environmental awareness, environmental responsiveness, readiness for protecting nature, environmentally friendly consumption, etc.).

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